Highbush Cranberry Jelly

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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2016
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Its was just brought to my attention that I finished the last jar of this jelly. Now I'm wondering how I let that happen.

Highbush Cranberries are a shrub that grows well in Northern Tier States so I'll assume they can be found in northern Wisconsin and in Michigan as well. The 1/4" bright red, round berries are very sour off the bush and they have a very hard black pit inside so fresh, they aren't much good. But extract the juice and use a raspberry jelly recipe and you'll have an extrordinary jelly. Just a hint of tart and a very subtle fruity taste, almost like a raspberry jelly but still not.

The 6 to 8 foot tall bushes frequent gravel roadsides as well as cleared trails thru the woods, likely do to birds that frequent these areas. The flower a white cluster flower in early June in Northern Minnesota so I'd assume a similar time period is upper Wisconsin and upper Michigan. Give or take a week, Labor Day weekend seems to be about the average time to find the ripe berries which a clusters just like the flowers. If you've found these little jewels before and haven't tried the jelly, try it. I'm betting it will become one of your favorites.

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