Cayugad “Bullet Lube”

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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2017
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I ran across this PM in my inbox on Huntingnet Dated 3/20/16, I had asked Dave Anderson (Cayugad) about a Good bullet lube Recipe? This was 1 of his Favorites. Here it is Copied and Pasted from my inbox

Junior Lube recipe. "exactly 3 fluid ozs of melted lard
exactly 400 grs of solid beeswax
exactly 100 grs of Alox solid bullet lube."

If you google the words "Junior Lube" that is where the second recipe came from kind of. Now in juniors recipe he used lard 3 ounces if melted lard. I instead went to Wal Mart and purchased Castor Oil in 4 ounce bottles. I like the castor oil much better then lard. I have made it from lard and its fine. But the liquid castor oil mixes so much nicer.

Junior then adds 400 GRAINS not grams of bees wax. I rounded that up to one ounce (.914 ounces equal 400 grains) as its easier to measure as a melted liquid or in weight on my kitchen food scale.

Last he adds melted 100 GRAINS of Alox. I have bottles and bottles of liquid Alox from all the molds and sizing dies I have purchased. So I add a lot of liquids together. I get a very nice consistent lube this way.

You will find this lube don't get all greasy in heat when on the range. It a nice lube. But so is the first one. That makes a stiffer lube and a nice smell to it also. Both work real good. I normally use the second one when I apply it to conical bullets.
"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, a total wreck, screaming Yahoo, with a big smile on your face."
Are you substituting the coconut oil for the melted lard?

I believe He’s talking about just adding it to the Mix, Which sounds like a darn Good idea! I know the above bullet lube works Darn good, and it’s super easy to make, I have made, and used it. The key to any lube in my opinion is getting the Texture right, and by that i mean Thin Enough. I tried Gatfeo No. 1 Lube That a Friend in Utah Sent me, I liked it, But my Guns HATED it! I was fairly new in Grease Groove Bullets at the Time, and didn’t understand the importance of Bullet Lube? I thought any Ole Lube was as good as the next stuff? I found out that’s NOT the Case!

I owe what i leaned about Bullet Lube importance to Dan of Bullshop, It was Through a Simple Email, But his wording was VERY PRECISE on the Importance of a Good Lube! This is why i ALWAYS Recommend Bullshop’s NASA Lube, i have used it, it works STELLAR, and it Comes from the Guy that Explained the Imprtance of Bullet Lube and Accuracy to me.

After Bullshop Dan’s Email I started playing around with a Thinner Lube (This Cayugad Lube) WALA!! Bullets that didn’t do worth a Darn, Started coming to life! Just From Bullet Lube!! Yes it is that important!

3 Shot Group at 50 Yards, Pretty Horrible huh? Now look CLOSELY, you can actually see the “Chunks” of Lube Spackled on the Target, this was that Gatfeo Stuff.

Here is another DANDY 50 Yard Group
Yep, Bullet Lube is that important!! The above Targets Clearly show it, I could have thrown a Rock Just about as accurate as i Shot the 2 Groups above. Anyone that knows me, Seen my targets, and Watched my Videos, Know i shoot a little better than that ;)

Shoot a Group with the Lube you always use, Then take a Small amount and thin it Down with Mineral oil, or Olive oil, Get it down to the Consistency where it will “Just” Stay in the Lube Grooves. Now shoot a Group with this thinned Down Lube. See if you can tell a Difference?

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