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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2016
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We live with a stream about 50 yards behind our house and the stream seems to be prime habitat for mallards. Lots of mallards. Over the years they've gotten to be pretty good friends. I feed birds and those ducks seem to know when an overload of cast off bird feed is on the ground and they'll come and clean it up, even sunflower hulls. It is right about this time of year they'll come sit in the garage where sunlight is hitting the floor but so far they've been a rare sighting with mostly cloudy warm weather. Ma had a breakfast date with a bunch of her old co-worker women this morning and when she came home had to scoot a bunch of ducks out of the garage, I suppose because its so windy. Apparently they still enjoy our digs and we're happy to share.

Anyone else have critters that become buddies?
I had wood ducks in a big maple in the front yard that hung out and played chase with a squirrel. City cut it down after a flock of starlings chased the ducks out. Now tho there is a huge long haired grey cat that comes around for pets, about 11a every day. His name is Finn, and in the evening he likes to sit and watch the does eat the corn and apples my next door neighbor throws out for them sometimes. He stays well away but keeps a close eye on them. I think he’s judging if he could kill one… cuz he is a murder cat after all.
I have two squirrels that come up on the back deck and get rhe seed and peanuts my wife puts out there in a small try. They love to tease my two cats that sit and watch. The squirrels will come right up to the door and eat on the mat in front of them. Can only guess they are laughing at my cats. No harm done to either but funny as hell to watch sometimes.

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