Another CVA gripe.....

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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2016
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A couple days ago I was in our local Scheels to pick up a dehydrator and stopped in the muzzleloading section to snoop around. Not that I really need anything, but well, just habit. For a while I've been thinking I need another solid aluminum rod that I can have one for the range and in the case with the Patriot and they CVA 27" rods there with the knob. I read the label and it said they were tapped 10/32 which I need for my jag that fits the Fury bullets. I wasn't carrying enough money right then to buy one so this morning I drove back to the store and grabbed one, making sure it had no flex like the fiberglass ones they also had. As I was walking down to the check-out I noticed that the insert for the attachments was missing so I went back up to the department and picked another rod. I checked that one before I left and what should I find? A neatly drilled hole on the end of the rod just like the other rod. Since there were two lengths in the solid aluminum available there I checked every one. No insert. Then I started pulling rods on the display guns and again, no inserts. New rifles, no inserts.

A guy from the gun department happened by and asked if I needed help. I asked what the hell was up with the rods and he said you just unscrew the knob thing and screw in your attachment. I asked him about seating a bullet with the 1/4" hole and thin sidewalls end of the rod. "Ya, you maybe could get cut if you pushed down real hard. Or you could set the knob thingy back on the open end to push down", was his reply. "Ya think" I said? Then I told him they'd better send them back before lawsuits start rolling in.

"Why in the Sam hell would anyone make a rod and drill the utility end out and not drill it and tap it to accept the jags and brushes and so on" I asked the guy? All I got was a shrug of the shoulders and he walked off.

I've got a bunch of CVA guns, all at least 6 years old. The oldest is my .45 Kodiak and its as fine a shooter as all of the others. It just seems like in the last 5 or so years CVA has gone to extraordinary lengths to just flat out screw the consumer. These replacement rods are no exception. I think while I am still pissed, I'll write the A-Holes a letter and let them know that I am about done with them in spite of being happy with what I have got. This **** should not be on the retail market.
I purchased an Optima this year after the season and on sale. The rod that came with the gun came just like yours, without insert. I figured is was an accident and called CVA thinking they would just send me the missing insert. But no, I was told that "that's the way they come now". I told the guy pretty much what you said.

I really have no complaints about the CVA rifle, I have 4 now, but it is really a bad reflection on them that they do this to save a few pennies and loose their customers this way.

Hope to find an insert at some point and just fix it.
I got my Accura V2 the first year they came out and the rod is threaded on both ends. I guess with the inflation going on these days that manufacturers have to cut corners somewhere or raise the price. I'm glad its with a ramrod and not barrel, trigger or other more important component.
Look at Knight...I got my Mountaineer just in time. About a month later the prices seemed to double overnight.
Mine are threaded on both ends. My pistol is a couple years old. My Wolf and Optima rifles are last years models, I believe.
Can't figure why they started cheaping out with the rods.
I have a wolf v2 and the rod was just drilled and tapped on one end and the other was just a cup for ball pushing, so I drilled and tapped the other end and bought an extension so now both ends are serviceable and useful, seem like it was to short to start with and really a cheap rod design except for the palm saver, like the gun!
I sent an inquiry but got nothing in reply.

Not surprising… I sent an email asking where I could pick up a CVA Optima V2 pistol.

The reply I received was: “Discontinued”

While that might be true, strictly speaking… they MIGHT have mentioned that they regularly make runs of this pistol for distribution exclusively through !

I found them on my own, but was thoroughly UNimpressed by CVA’s response.
there is an article online that American airlines saved $40,000.00 a year by cutting back just 1 olive in how much money is cva saving not threading both ends..thats what it all comes out to cut back and save/make more $$$$$
CVA started making rifles roughly 3 years ago, called the cascade. Awesome shooting clip fed value for the money. About the same time they put less money into making muzzleloaders. What was made took a couple years to sell. They make more money selling rifles to a broader audience, less money in muzzleloaders. It clearly shows in todays CVA muzzy and implement choices. IMHO, that is why i do not own one and if i ever do it will be an older model as you gentlemen suggest. I will stick with my patriot, mark Woodman cares about muzzleloaders and CVA doesn’t …
I did what BB gun did and cut the end of the rod flush and drilled and tapped to take a 10/32 thread. Then took a loading jag that I got from cutting edge bullets and machined it down to fit the ram rod channel. I will post a picture of it later. It works really well. I cut it down to where it sits behind the barrel but still seats my load.
AH!! I was gonna cry some foul language, Then I did the diggin myself unscrewed over a couple of dollars...sad state sad state frigging corporate greed what good was done, let`s say $60 thousand a year was saved, And ya paid a Million in bonus to the CEO who pointed it out which even if the money was not saved that CEO`s got a contract the bonus would have been paid anyway....CVA ya sucking at keeping customers
This was on
October 17, 2023 Caleb Andrews

Press Release - CVA Ramrod Design Change - Female Thread Update​

CVA Ramrod Design Change - Female Thread Update
The new CVA PalmSaver ramrods (as of 2022) no longer have a female threaded end on the loading end. The ramrods included with the muzzleloaders also no longer come with an extension jag, although this may still stated in the original muzzleloader manual.
This is an intentional redesign from CVA, as the female threads had the tendency to 'pull' out the bullet after it was seated, but only in the event that you weren't using a loading jag. Due to this, they have changed it to have a 'built-in' loading contour that allows you to push down muzzleloader bullets including the new PowerBelt ELR bullets, without the 'threads' pulling the bullet back out.
There is a female thread on the 'male' PalmSaver attachment. However, this also means that you will no longer able to install a loading jag and the PalmSaver attachment at the same time.
The bottom line, the new CVA ramrod change is not a defect as this design change was intentional. All of the CVA ramrods going forward, for all rifle models, will no longer have threads on both ends.
We do understand that this has created some confusion among our customer base who have purchased new CVA products. We are also now carrying an alternative replacement ramrod with the original OEM design with female 10/32" threads on both ends. Keep in mind that the replacement rods do not come with the PalmSaver or loading jag, but are able to accept both. Please click the image below for our full line up of replacement ramrods.
CVA Replacement Ramrod
It may be beneficial to have a range rod or other sturdy rod to use while at the range or when cleaning your muzzleloader. The intention for the under mount rod is to be available for a 'second chance' hunting scenario where you don't have as much time to get a jag and range rod ready to load. If you are finding that this rod is too short for most of your needs, then a second range rod might be a good option to have for the more rigorous cleaning and loading methods.
As always, if you have any questions please contact our customer service team at 1-855-236-5000 or via email at [email protected]

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