I have cancer

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Back in May and June I had a blood test done. I've been watching my PSA slowly increase for about 15 years.
During covid everything was shut down and so I kind of didn't think about it.
I went in for an appointment with a skin doctor and she wanted me to do a blood test before we started her treatment.
My PSA came back as 6.1 which meant I had to see my urologist. He did a biopsy. I have prostate cancer.
malignant cells were found in 3 of the 12 samples. Only 2% of the tissue had cancer. Several doctors have told me that they have never seen it caught this early.
Prostate cancer doesn't like tomatoes and I also started on Turkey Tail mushroom. I cut back on red meat and dairy.
I just got my 3 month appointment done and my PSA actually came down .40
My next appointment is in 6 months.
I increased the turkey tail mushroom one pill a day and I'm going to try to find a health fair to get my PSA tested again in a couple months. Fingers crossed 🤞
So sorry to hear the news, Ron, but it sounds like you’re making progress. Prayers and best wishes.
Don't fool around Ron. Get yourself to a good urologist and take the course that is gonna get the best results, it does make any difference if it's a full operation or radiation, be careful about taking the little pellets is they have caused trouble. Do what a doctor recommends . Once you let it spread and get to your bones you're on a short course it's nothing to mess with.
Have your doctor look at treating with Ivermectin and Naltrexone. I know of three people now that have cured their cancer with this treatment.
I just saw this myself. Terrible news but I know a couple who got through this; takes a while but is often done. My best wishes for your treatments and healing.

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