New Dog 'Kara' in The House

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Mar 7, 2006
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Hey guys, you may of seen our beloved German Shepherd died very unexpectedly last week. She was a great dog, extremely loyal with the family 'pack'. She loved just watching over things, always following the younger Son around.

The house was in shambles without her. Once the reality set in, and she was properly buried near a favorite spot, I did some looking.

Now we have 'Kara', just over 8 weeks, another female German Shepherd. She is from a totally different line, as suggested by our Vet. She surely can't replace our previous dog, but the family is really enjoying her. She already seems much more friendly with strangers than our last, though it us early and she young. She hails from Central WI.

I just wanted to spread some sunshine on the previous bleak thread. :D :D

I'll post a picture when I get one that will size properly.
I know that this new pup won't replace your lost dog but she'll help fill that void. I lost my 13 year old black lab and shortly after my son couldn't take care of his little Jack Russel any more because of dorm rules so he gave him to me. After a bit this little guy helped with easing the pain and slowly worked his way into our hearts.
I hope your new Kara does the same for you and your family and bring many smiles, laughs and great times in the days to come.

Ray................ :yeah:
Congrats on the new family member. Every household needs a good dog. When my Chocolate lab Indy died at 13 I made it a year before replacing him with my White Lab Zeus. The house just felt weird without a big lug lab running around. Zeus fills the void nicely and they have such different personalitys.

Congrats again
She is coming along fine. I think my picture worked this time. We are off to the bike trail soon. She is very comfortable in our house.

She is also more friendly to strangers than our last German Shepherd, which is a very good thing. She will still be plenty of watch dog as she gets older.
Very pretty pup you have there. That is one breed I never owned. Although I have considered them.
Here is a picture of her Mom. The color is called 'sable', which is the hairs are mixed between brown to blackish. We have a trip to the U.P. Of MI in a few weeks. There will be a lot of new experiences along the way for her.

She is really digging car rides lately. One of the reasons is we go to a nearby bike trail where she runs free a good amount.
Hey guys, just back from a family visit to the U.P. of MI. We did manage some grouse hunting, Kara came for that too. She has been slowly acclimated to gunshots, totally fine with them.

Would you believe she got sprayed by a skunk in MI? Not nearly as bad as our last dog, one night in the back of the truck and she was allowed in the basement. I let her out after dark and saw the critter just as she went after it, no bites anyway.

She LOVED hunting, a little possessive if she got to the grouse before we did. I was with my 12 y/o Son. Together we got 5 grouse, he got three all on his own. We had to work at it, but found some action.

Here is a very recent picture.
I once purchased a Brittney Spaniel for the wife. She saw it, fell in love with it, and of course it was a hunting dog, so when she begged me to buy it, ... well how could I refuse my wife (ex). Anyway the dog was a good gun dog. She worked close, pointed well, but when you shot a grouse, you better beat her to it or she would just about tear it in two. No matter what techniques I tried to break her of hard mouth and giving the bird up, she never would. Once she got it, she decided it was hers.

She was so bad about possession of birds I would not let her retrieve them. I would call her off, basically back to me. Then I'd let the Labrador go get them. He was a real gentleman about retrieving birds. Never a mark on them. Funny is of all the Spaniels I had (mostly English Springer Spaniels) she was the only one that acted like all birds were hers.

After the wife left, I ended up selling the dog cheap to a guy with a Springer that wanted to breed/hunt with her. I warned him about her habits. She also had horrible house manners. I mean horrible. And I hated to lock a dog in a kennel outside.