Now I'm partial bionic

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Long Range Shooter
Supporting member
Dec 4, 2009
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Surgery went very well. Other than my knee, I feel like a million bucks! Well maybe a couple hundred bucks. Really, I feel pretty good and better than expected. Tomorrow might be different?
Surgeon was very pleased, and the wife is finally calming all the anxiety she experienced. Now the recovery work will begin.

This machine is filled with ice and water. It circulates ice water through a pad on my knee and yes, its cold. I only wish the wife would have been provided one with her injury.

The walker has now become my new best friend :)

knee cooler.jpg

PT starts next Tuesday and I know the young ladies very well. They worked on the wife for 53 visits and Lisa was the one that worked on the lock jaw I had, from May to September.
I feel I'll be in the best hands.

A slight bit getting more tender........... :(
On your feet is a good sign. Same cooler I had for my knee when I had it done last year. I went to 30 therapy sessions and they really help. Though not original equip. the replacement is much better than a wore out joint. Best to you on recovery.
great to hear ! as has been said PT is the key now and being sure to do it often on your own or with the wife's help . that ice thing helps a lot and i see you have the towel on , had to fold mine to get enough layers to not freeze my knee/leg off . still got it in case i need it again or when i get the other knee done . in a couple weeks you'll be getting around ok , in a couple months you'll wish you had gotten it done sooner .
keep on keepin' on dude !

btw , elevate at the heel to get you knee to max extension . maximizing the amount of flexibility of the joint if very important both extended and contracted , but i'm sure they have drilled that to you already .
Little bit of a setback last night and this morning and forenoon. :(

Taking the pain meds as prescribed, but my knee is killing me. So I called the doc's office and of course left a message. Wasn't long and the nurse called me back. Per my earlier message, she told me to increase the pain meds by 1/2. By gollie that worked. Pain is very slight at the moment. Time for a nap.......... :)
just remember the meds are to knock the pain down to be bearable , not eliminate it . good call calling the doc and sticking with what they say .
Good night's sleep but had better days. Just sometimes you get the bear, sometimes the bear gets you.
Pain pills are further apart, a good thing. ICE is your best friend. Repeat, ICE is your best friend.

This ice thing they sent me home with really works and I wish Sallie had had one. Constantly sends ice cold water to my knee pack and of course back to the cooler. It pretty much will last 4hrs.
Getting around with the walker really good.
Keeping Sal pretty busy but, I'm doing much more on my own now, so she's getting more time to herself. She's a trooper!
George, glad to see you got it done. My knees are the only good part of my body now. I need to get everything else replaced.
Not much pain, other than the first 2 days. They cautioned on the conservative side of the oxycodone but they fixed that too.
The wife has been a trooper, even with her own disability.
Tired but that's most likely from boredom. Keeping the ice machine running 24/7 trying to reduce some swelling prior to PT Tuesday.