What a kid.....

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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2016
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When my youngest daughter went into the 5th grade she developed some issues with falling down. Not tripping or careless, she'd be walking along and all of a sudden she drop like a rock. As It turned out she had developed an autoimmune disease that was typically a geriatric disease that made her body allergic to her own muscle and skin. She was in isolation in the hospital for 28 days as the docs totally shut down her immune system with prednisone. After that she was in physical therapy for 5 months to learn to walk again. She received immune globulin infusions two days at a time twice each month for two years. In all that time with the hospital stuff, I never missed a day of seeing her and I took her to every single appointments for after care. In that time I lost three jobs but I didn't lose my daughter. Today she works as a spine specialist's personal medical secretary at the very same Mayo Clinic that saved her life. I've never know a fighter like her.

A few days ago I drove over and dropped off another bag of my venison sausage goodies for her. We spent a few minutes yacking and watching her cat sit amazed watching bubbles rise in a glass of soda. Out of nowhere she asked if I was to name one thing I'd like, what would it be? I don't need anything so the question just sort of took me by surprise. Fishing, hunting, camping,....what is something that would make doing what you're doing a little bit better? I told I'd been saving my scheckles for a spotting scope but that I don't need anything. She asked me to stop by last night to look at something for her so after dinner I went over to see what was up. I got a pop and sat down with the cat and she came in from her bedroom and handed me a box with Athelon written on it. 20X60X80mm. She just said, and I quote, "I've never told you how fortunate I feel to have a dad like you. The lost jobs, and the countless hours in a hospital and trips to the clinic, the repairs you've done to cars and my home and then all the goodies. I know I thank you each time, but lately I have been thinking that you deserve something for nothing other than being there. With your bird watching and maybe your watching wildlife I hope this will help you enjoy it all. I can't even begin to imagine how I can pay you back for all you gave. I own my own house. I have no real bills, no husband to worry about, I own my own camper at the campground and I have a job that some many would consider a dream. This is all because of you and I just want to say thank you." I left absolutely speechless.

I've been saving change to get a decent spotting scope for the gun range. Old age and bullet holes aren't a real good mix any more. I'd shoot a couple then have to walk down range to get close enough to see the holes. The scopes worked to a point but other guys at the range were using spotting scopes and could tell exactly what was happening. And then I enjoy bird watching too as well as spending a lot of time driving and glassing deer in the early morning or evening hours. I thought a couple hundred bucks for a half decent scope would be great for me. My daughter left the receipt in case the scope needed to be repaired or returned for some reason....I could have bought a pretty nice gun for what this cost. Way better than what I need. Way better.

Like so many of us that are nudging 70 I grew up having to earn my way. I never backed down from a reasonable challenge and I never ever tossed in a towel. I've had my good and I've had my bad. But I didn't tell my daughter last night what should I should have told her....that its me that should be thanking her.... for being who she is and how her disease taught me so many valuable life lessons and gave me the tenacity to be here today. I'll get to telling her, maybe some evening on her camper deck watching birds and sharing a cold beer and chit chat. But for now, all I can think is What A Kid. Damned proud of her.
"Let your love not be in words or thought but rather in action and in deed (truth)" . How beautiful life is when we live what our Lord teaches......
We are proud of you both.......

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