What's in your hunting bag?

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Jan 7, 2023
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Hunted today and got bored so I decided to do some range testing.

What does everyone carry their powder in while hunting? Premeasured loads in tubes? Is there something like a capper for 209 primers? Granted I don't plan on a multi day trip but I want everything accessible just in case I need a follow up shot.
Usually premeasured out powder, I carry my bullets already saboted of course, inside the same type tubes and keep caps/primers with the bullets. Thats the way i've always done it, works good, Speed loaders would probably be a faster option. Always have spare primers too, easy to drop and lose. usually keep some loose in pocket like Diablo said. Good idea.
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I like the T/C tubes with a built in starter. They hold, powder, bullet and a primer.
A couple hand warmers
A couple toe warmers
Spare knife
Spare headlamp
Grunt tube
Can call
Deer dragging harness
Big zip lock bag with paper towels and zip ties.
My lunch except I usually forget it in the refrigerator
Small thermos of coffee
Pair of gloves
Wool hat
Bottle of water
Probably some other stuff I can’t think of.
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It depends on which rifle I'm hunting with. For my inlines, I carry my powder in premeasured tubes. (Usually enough for two extra shots. A few extra bullets and primers, in a pocket.
If I'm using a sidelock, I carry my powder horn, bullet bag, patch bag, antler powder measure, stick capper, etc.
Powder flask and powder measure, caps, bullets and sabot, 2 knives, pull rope, bottle of water, snacks, deer tags and ink pen, binoculars, rubber gloves for gutting, headlamp and a few other things that I'll probably never need, until I leave it at home! 😁
I carry most of the stuff everyone else does but I also have added a few other items- 3 in 1 oil ( for squeekie wheel on my walker )-camo. duck tape ( never know when ya have to red neck fix the smoke pole ) - compos ( in case I get lost in my back yard ) My flip phone ( just in case I loose my compos ) extra boxers ( in case I get over excited -IF I see a deer ). Aspirin ( just in case of a ticker malfunction )
I tend to use a vest, with the usual necessities I carry all the time. Pull ropes all stay with their stands wrapped somehow to them. If I use a pack, its normally just full of extra clothes. Either may be tied to the stand while traveling.

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