Current blackhorn price at Cabelas

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You might also be shocked as to how much the other types of propellants cost now too. Notjust the ML stuff either.
Yessir, thats why i stocked up while i could still afford it. I may have to put a few guys, on here that are younger than me, in my will. Shootings gonna be a rich persons sport someday soon. There will still be some good deals around for a little while, small gun stores, auctions, flea markets. Im always watching out for those deals.
If the GMC was 20% the price of the Chevy, sign me up!

I always was pleased with 777, and clean up is easy. However I love going to the range and shooting 30 shots with BH and not swabbing once. Makes range time so much more enjoyable for me. And I feel safer letting it stay loaded in the field for longer periods.
If I remember correctly Blackhorn is made in Canada somewhere. Thus it is highly regulated there and then here too. Only one place makes the stuff. Worse is they make the stuff seasonally, mostly for the hunting season. But Canada has not been friendly lately and that affects the propellant production too. Plus toss in our border and the problems getting stuff across it too. Along with inflation and materials shortages and then we have a mess.

Yupper, it comes from Canada:
Well I shot up some T7 today and performance is just as good as the BH209. It is pain having to patch between shots but I’ll deal with it. One thing I did not like was the force it needed to remove the breech plug when I got home to clean. More anti seize went on it when reassembly.