Dog 'Skunked' Yesterday

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Mar 7, 2006
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I get up early, my procedure is to turn on outside lights to run off any critters before I kept the dog out. At least I thought it would work. I let the dog out and went out with her the 1st time. About 30 min later she was by the sliding door and wanted to go out again. I turned the lights on and let her out, then I stepped back inside for my Fenix flashlight.

Just as I go out she darts off under our fruit trees, after something. I shine over and see her dancing around the adult skunk, 2 feet away. This goes on and on, no hope to call her off. I thought the skunk would run off our property. Instead it stayed inside our underground wire(dog fence) as 'Mya' chased it. I gave up and started my action plan, crate in the garage.

We also had relatives over, 2 kids and parents on their way to FL. I got the relatives on the road when they got ready and gave a hydrogen peroxide and doggy shampoo bath. It helped, we did another one today. Her head still has some skunk smell, but she's coming along. She is a 10 month old German Shepherd.

I have the live trap set. I'd love to get that varmint with my sighted in 17 HMR.
When my dad was little on the farm he always tells the story of a terrier mix dog they had that hated skunks. And he said that dog would hunt them. Even though it would get sprayed. He laughed and said... we'd roll that dog around in fresh cow manure and make it sleep in the barn. But he said... that dog never learned. It got sprayed numerous times.

My Black Labrador saw one once when I was cutting firewood. But I called him off. I then tied him to a tree and started up the chain saw, revving the engine and the skunk wandered off. That Black Labs hatred was snakes. If he saw a snake, that snake was going to die. And you better be away from him when he would grab that think and snap it like a bull whip. Snake parts would fly all over the place sometimes.

I heard once a bath in tomato juice and cut up raw potatoes will take skunk off a dog.
That sure is a good looking pup! My pup (now 2) is more work than all 3 of my kids combined lol. But worth it.
I have a Drathaar who has been skunked 3 times and still looks for them. Use peroxide and baking soda on her.
We gave her the best care possible. While I was away with work my wife brought her to the Vet, she went down hill quickly, vomiting blood. They did their testing, some medication, and kept her overnight. The next morning instead of improving she went very critical, then passed later that morning.

We've always been on alert about 'bloat' and 'stomach torsion' with a German Shepherd. Not even sure it was related to that, she did have a delicate intestinal system. Even though we only had her for 18 months, I can't imagine trying to replace her. The Vet isn't 100% sure what the disorder, or condition was. We passed on the autopsy offer.

Our kids we so attached to her. I find it hard to believe myself. We have never lost a young dog like this, always made it at least 10 years.
Awe man so sorry for your loss. The passing of a good dog can be just as hard as loosing any loved one. That was a beautiful dog and hopefully you have lots of pics and memories to live on.
Sorry to hear of your loss. My deepest sympathies to you and your family. I know all too well the loss of a beloved pet. And really face it, its not a pet it part of your family.

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