he shouldn't have stayed home...

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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2022
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@Ninering62 wimped out on me and opted to stay home and not go fishing....

Got to my spot about an hour before low tide. The cast net was good to me, and I start with a bunch of monster sized mud minnows and some smaller muddies and similar. Put one out on a #2 circle hook planning on catching a sand perch or something for cut bait to use in the crab trap.

Ended up tangling with a 4' shark (spinner, black tip or bull - never really saw enough to figure which of the 3) and lost him at the net.


Threw the cast net some more, got more muddies and 3 silver dollar sized crabs. Crab #1 got a shark (3' bonnethead), crab #2 had something big much it and pull but the hook didn't set (5/0 circle), then #3 brought this guy to say hello. Net is 36" hoop, so 40 for the fish?



Finally got a catfish, cut 'em up and put 'em in the crab trap, threw the cast net some more but no more crabs :(

Then saw a school of mullet 35-40 feet off the dock, and since I had the place to myself at that point and I have a 50' rope on my net, I figured what the heck and tossed it and nailed the landing. Unfortunately, my net has seen better days and while I've fixed a few big tears I lost all but 2 of the mullet. But they were perfect 8" bait size. So they each went out in turn on a 5/0 circle and each brought in a spinner shark

This is the small one of the day....


And at that point I said fark it, dumped the remaining minnows (all but one or two still perfectly happy) and came home and drank the two beers @Ninering62 left in my cooler last weekend.
Anonymous you can tell a story like no other buddy. Seriously enjoy reading them. Thank you for sharing them with us. But.... Niner said that was the minnow net and you're a photshop expert. Plus, you owe him two warm cans of suds. Lol 😆 🤣

You know that can't be true - Photoshop is proprietary non-Free software and won't run on my Linux desktop :)
Very nice time i hope you had. Someday next year i will join you & the lazy one that didn't make the trip.

Being dependent on catching bait the start of decent fishing conflicts with Spring turkey season, but usually keeps going thru the start of general gun season in November plus a few weeks. Probably peak time nowish thru September or October as the bait is thick and everything is active

Of course it is also hotter than the surface of the sun and humidity is usually ckose to temperature. Provisions for shade and lots of liquids are required. Beware the popup storms and occasional hurricane