When should you talk to police, or not?

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Things are different in my part of the country, we don't have many people, we don't have many cops most of them we know personally and if they came because you shot somebody, just be courteous, they probably have to arrest you but they're not going to abuse you, you'll have to wait till morning to probably get out on bail or maybe just on your own recognize. You just politely tell them that you wanna talk to your attorney before you talk to them and that's the end of the argument. We don't have near the problem and other people do with law enforcement.
There's something good that can be said about small communities.
Yeah that's my experience for an overall lifetime. I got to stay a few hours in the jail cell in Ark. one time while my Mrs. got a Lawyer to come down. I would not talk to the crooked sob that arrested me. Claimed I stole my own GMC Suburban. No matter i got out it cost me money i didn't have to spend for a Lawyer. Yup Title was in my & my Mrs. names we were from Tn. at the time. It doesn't take too many times like that to give you a bad taste for a lifetime. Unless it's one i know that's really stand up guy. Fug'em !
Yeah that's my experience for an overall lifetime. I got to stay a few hours in the jail cell in Ark. one time while my Mrs. got a Lawyer to come down. I would not talk to the crooked sob that arrested me. Claimed I stole my own GMC Suburban. No matter i got out it cost me money i didn't have to spend for a Lawyer. Yup Title was in my & my Mrs. names we were from Tn. at the time. It doesn't take too many times like that to give you a bad taste for a lifetime. Unless it's one i know that's really stand up guy. Fug'em !
Sorry to hear that you had a bad experience. All the cops I know are good stand up dudes.
A lot depends on the situation you are in. If you are unsure and scared, I would suggest clamming up and calling a lawyer. If it is nothing serious and not a big deal, I see no reason not giving the police full cooperation and honesty. It will only help you in the long run.
If someone has had a history of bad experiences with police. Often times it might have something to do with there own prejudices toward law enforcement. Cooperation, respect and a good demeanor can go a long way with police interactions.
That is not to say there are not some bad apples that carry a badge and gun. There are. But they are the exception, not the norm.
Just like the guy who has lots of bad interactions with the police. That guy is the exception, not the norm.
If I shot some guys that bust into my house. First call would be to the police, immediately followed with a call to my lawyer.
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A lot depends on the situation you are in. If you are unsure and scared, I would suggest clamming up and calling a lawyer. If it is nothing serious and not a big deal, I see know reason not giving the police full cooperation and honesty. It will only help you in the long run.
If someone has had a history of bad experiences with police. Often times it might have something to do with there own prejudices toward law enforcement. Cooperation, respect and a good demeanor can go a long way with police interactions.
That is not to say there are not some bad apples that carry a badge and gun. There are. But they are the exception, not the norm.
Just like the guy who has lots of bad interactions with the police. That guy is the exception, not the norm.
If I shot some guys that bust into my house. First call would be to the police, immediately followed with a call to my lawyer.
This right here
Its not just the police that are going to be looking at you and what you say. Lawyers, a judge, possibly juries, news reporters, private investigators… Your words can be used against you in many different ways. Say nothing without a lawyer.
All the above, plus........... social media will be used against you. Yes, everything you post here and on other social media sites.

I've been through a number of CPL, CCW classes and in EVERY CLASS, every NRA instructor and every prosecuting attorney present instructed...... "DO NOT ANSWER QUESTIONS."
Short of your name, their advice was always to say: 'I want to and will cooperate, but I must have an attorney present.'
Y'all can deal with any problems you run into in life. I truly try to stay away from anything that brings me even close to those so called good guy Cops. I don't bother people, but i watch all the stuff going down with the X president and he is a Billionaire ! I have been involved with this stuff to know the Judge tells the Jury what will go down. When your poor its never a good ending. My last comment on this subject & almost everything else on this Forum !
The police are NOT your friend, and you should NEVER trust them. PERIOD!
Say nothing, get a lawyer, and let the things fall as they should.