When should you talk to police, or not?

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A 77-year-old homeowner confronted 3 person home invaders. Shot and killed one of the perps. He then held one of the three at gunpoint 'til the police arrived. He refused to make a statement to the police.

The police only had, "Person A (Homeowner) shot an killed another person B." The police, understandably, arrested the killer, Person A, homeowner. Without bail. Until the story unraveled that the dead person was part of a home invader.


What are we supposed to do in a situation like this? We would, probably, full of Adrenalin and might say stupid statements.

As soon as I saw "bay area", I didn't have to go on.
The world we live in...
I have had my truck broke into twice in the last two weeks. Contacted a lawyer and the police. The lawyer advised me to take all of my 550's out of the truck as booby traps are against the law. The police told me there isn't much they can do unless my cameras catch them in the act. Can't tag them with rubber slugs either....

Illinois sucks. Can't blow them away if caught in the act because my truck isn't inside my house. Can't let the foothold snap their wrist because then they'll sue even though they are in the wrong first.

Time to get a big mean dog.

Smokem if you got them if you are in the right and the state you are in is also greenlit to do so.
The world we live in...
I have had my truck broke into twice in the last two weeks. Contacted a lawyer and the police. The lawyer advised me to take all of my 550's out of the truck as booby traps are against the law. The police told me there isn't much they can do unless my cameras catch them in the act. Can't tag them with rubber slugs either....

Illinois sucks. Can't blow them away if caught in the act because my truck isn't inside my house. Can't let the foothold snap their wrist because then they'll sue even though they are in the wrong first.

Time to get a big mean dog.

Smokem if you got them if you are in the right and the state you are in is also greenlit to do so.
Youve gotta catch them in the act and then a self defense shooting could happen and make sure its not caught on any cameras and no survivors.
Too many people talk about shooting "them." No, killing another person is a very bad idea. The smell of blood, feces and urine mixed with gun powder smoke will haunt you the rest of your life! Not only realizing that you have stopped a life.......
We now live in a country where the most violent of criminals are celebrated. This is all by design. To make law abiding citizens and gun owners the fall guys. The bad guys. The problem.

Some states have figured out that stealing a $40,000.00 vehicle is a bad thing. You're out money. You're out transportation. You're out finding a way to work. You're out trips to the emergency room. Etc. These states have made shooting to protect valuable property and a means of putting food on the table a correct and proper thing to do.

While other states hold fast to their crazy rules that property is just property and no amount of violence to protect that property is OK.

More and more Americans are falling into the first camp. More and more Americans feel that Law Abiding Citizens First-Violent Criminals Second is the way to go.
After 40 years in Law Enforcement, investigating every type of situation, the work product boils down to one thing - the officers written report. Sadly, what the public reads/sees will be what the media presents is seldom the whole story - nor The Rest Of The Story. Officers' reports will live on years after the sound bites, supposed witnesses' interviews with media talking heads and the goofiest person still lurking around the yellow tape at a crime scene who didn't actually see anything. The report is what goes to the prosecutor who makes the decision to file charges or not.

Every case is an individual occurrence. The decision to use deadly force is life-changing for everyone involved on both sides and not at all something that will simply pass. "Just the Facts, Ma'am"" isn't just a line from Dragnet. What some people need is a different set of facts. If the investigating officers, from the first responding officers to the follow-up investigators cannot document all the facts, the result will be a crapshoot that may not result in a "win" for justice.

After retirement, I joined the USCCA for the simplest of reasons - liability insurance I can afford on a fixed income. The offered attorney coverage is absolutely a necessity. As a defendant in multiple lawsuits totalling millions of dollars that went on for decades, I know the topic. No one (and I mean no one) can describe the feeling of sitting in the defendant's chair in court where the outcome is losing everything you own listening to "witnesses" and "experts" against you.

Get insurance. Have an attorney, Cooperate with investigating officers with the help of an attorney, Don't guess if you don't know or cannot remember. MOST OF ALL - NEVER, EVER LIE .