Gardening 2024

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Cabbage, kale, broccoli, lettuce, beets, and even tomatoes—that's a fantastic variety! I can totally relate to starting small. My partner and I began our garden journey with just a few pots on our balcony. Eventually, we decided to try out metal raised garden beds. They’re pretty easy to set up and super durable.
My wife grew up in a vegetable farm. Her father farmed 20 acres of vegetables using child labor. If I even talk about having a small market garden her eyes shoot daggers😂. We doing however raise garlic , mushrooms and berries for sale but that is on me. Not making a killing but it does buy toys or pays for a vacation.
Not much this year just peppers, tomatoes, basil and mint.

Peppers 28JUN2024.jpg

Basil Mint 28JUN2024.jpg

I tried garlic for the first time and it was a dismal failure. Not sure what went wrong, it just withered away.
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Not regular garden stuff but got into my woods today and checked on my young Ginseng patches. Started them two years ago and added a couple more last year. Have several hundred one- and two-year old plants. Will be adding a couple more patches this fall.
We tried that many years ago and our soil PH wasn't right.
It is a very particular plant and needs 70 percent shade and likes moist but well drained soil. I have a lot of maple in my woods which gives it a good supply of decaying leaves to help the soil composition. I am not doing it for money since it has been nearly wiped out in our area. I am hoping that when it seeds birds and deer will spread them to other areas. This patch is guarded very well and will hopefully help keep it from disappearing completely.
I'm at work so no pictures but our garden is frustrating this year. Last year was dry as a bone and we had the best garden we've had in years. Lots of watering but was worth it. This year we've had more rain that we know what to do with and everything is growing super slow or not at all. Out of two rows of beans (about 100') we have 11 plants and just got more seeds yesterday to replant and fill in for the third time. Most of the peppers, from bell to super-hot, have barely grown and are setting fruit already. Only thing I can come up with is too much rain and not enough heat. Everything else has been done the same as every other year.
Don’t give up on your garden. Mine drowned completely out on July 4th a few years ago and I replanted 7 days later in Central Indiana. One of the best gardens I ever grew.
My woods are 60% conifers which really isn't good for ginseng. The foragers around here have decimated the wild plants. Was in the woods about a month and a half ago and saw where someone had cleared out a ramps patch.

My garden is doing ok ( taters, maters , cukes, zukes & beans). My garlic patch got hammered by a high wind gust and heavy rain a few weeks ago. I would estimate that 50% is lost. In 34 years of growing garlic, that is the first time I have had that happen.

Most of my tree crop is doing ok. The chestnuts decided to damp off a few weeks ago. A generous soul came to the rescue and gave me 30 seedlings when he heard about it. So far so good. My apple tree grafts seem to be holding. Mushroom logs are liking this cool damp weather after our 3 week drought in June. Berries are in season at the moment. Garlic picking starting in about 10days.


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