Marathon .32cal first outing

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2005
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Well got a decent morning to head out to the range. Been quite some time since we had a decent morning. I started at shooting at 9am, club has a no fire before 9am rule. :roll: The Wind did pick up about 10am or so :evil: Little peas and wind don't get along so well. I only lasted till about 11:30 though as the wind stirred up the blasted pine Pollen and it was horrible and tore my eyes up. :evil:

Anyway while I was hoping to see what the little guy would do I was mostly interested in testing functionality of the rifle, especially this barrel and get the scope more or less on paper. I did have an issue with caps right off, well falling off that is. Seems the nipple that came with this rifle is small on the end and the CCI #11's just fall off. Hard to actually use my TDC capper as when you pull them out of it they fly off the nipple and landed in the action. So had to start off Pinching the caps, putting them on with my fingers then pressing them on but they would fall back if the rifle moved too much. Wondered if this nipple was for a #10, are they smaller? Was not bad but did have some that did not fire on first try, I think they were still falling back when closing and locking the bolt. But cock the bolt again and then they fired. I know this is not an issue of a nipple that is too large because I tried with the nipple out too. This did get a little aggravating though. I also found that the plunger in the bolt was getting a little sluggish from the blowback that was getting back into it after several shots. I plan to get another nipple for it before taking it out next trip. I would have just swapped it out but it is a metric 6x1mm nipple and all I have are 1/4" x 28 nipples. :( So hope that just a nipple change with sort of solve the blow back and no fires, i think it will. It took me a few shots to get on paper.

I pulled a rookie move this week too. After installing the thimble I was looking at it mid week and noticed that I had a little cant in the scope so loosened it and corrected the cant and then decided to move the front ring just a bit more forward, then forgot to check it with the borescope. So first 2 shots were not on paper, then it hit me what I did. :oops: :wall: So got one of the guys to spot for me, I did not want to pull the barrel to get the plug out to sight it that way, and got it on paper for shot #1 then a 2 more changes left and I stopped messing with the scope for now on shot #3. I only shot 25 grains of PyroP on this trip. Like I said, I was curious more about functionality but then that blasted pollen had my eyes a mess and then had my nose leaking so it was just getting to miserable. about 4 others left at the same time but most complained about all that yellow/green pollen on all of their equipment. Next trip should be sometime in June, heading home to Ohio for some vacation and work around the farm. I might take it with me but unless I can find a nipple on the way, shooting it is out of the question so may not take it. :think: Forgot to take any pics of the range but here is a picture of the target. Since I had removed chips down in the barrel that still left a slight tight spot I was also worried about it tearing up the patches but they did not look bad. Overall not too bad of a morning for a shake down session.

Hornet22savage said:
Shawn, if you pass a Bass Pro in your travels, they should have Traditions #10 6mm x1.00 in stock. The one I have in Aurburn NY does.
Thanks good to know. I do "Sort of" pass the one in Harrisburg, its about 4 miles off the highway but I do sometimes stop there. I used to always stop at the big Cabela's in Hamburg PA but they changed their opening to 9am and I usually pass by about 7:30ish.

If the #10 is actually smaller I would really need the caps instead. Does Bass Pro stock the caps in the store? Not sure I ever saw them, but never looked either. I think, for me, it would be best to swap out the nipple for a better #11. I myself am partial to the Knight Red Hots so will try to find one. If not I might try some from TOW when I get back, they are a little cheaper.
Yes the #10 is smaller than the #11. I'm not sure but I believe they do have CCI #10 caps. I accidentally bought the nipples for my Dad's Lyman. He still has them I think.
Hornet22savage said:
Yes the #10 is smaller than the #11. I'm not sure but I believe they do have CCI #10 caps. I accidentally bought the nipples for my Dad's Lyman. He still has them I think.

I just looked and the Bass Pro web site said they had the CCi #10 caps in stock in Harrisburg. So Maybe I will stop and pick up a tin to see of that gets me though till I get another nipple. I also just did some measuring and this nipple is different from the Knight. It is so loose you can see that it bottoms out inside the cap but wiggles a lot so no way it will stay on. The box and little instructions sheet don't say anything about the cap size. Guess I never paid that much attention when I tested it at home. Just popping a couple caps is not bad in the apartment. I just put the muzzle down on a bag of red shop towels so it is pointed straight down and wrap one around the action.
ShawnT said:
Hornet22savage said:
Yes the #10 is smaller than the #11. I'm not sure but I believe they do have CCI #10 caps. I accidentally bought the nipples for my Dad's Lyman. He still has them I think.

I just looked and the Bass Pro web site said they had the CCi #10 caps in stock in Harrisburg. So Maybe I will stop and pick up a tin to see of that gets me though till I get another nipple. I also just did some measuring and this nipple is different from the Knight. It is so loose you can see that it bottoms out inside the cap but wiggles a lot so no way it will stay on. The box and little instructions sheet don't say anything about the cap size. Guess I never paid that much attention when I tested it at home. Just popping a couple caps is not bad in the apartment. I just put the muzzle down on a bag of red shop towels so it is pointed straight down and wrap one around the action.

Glad you got out. I'd get a #11 red hot for it, heck with that oddball #10 stuff.


Order it and you'll have it in a few days :yeah:
WV Hunter said:
ShawnT said:
Hornet22savage said:
Yes the #10 is smaller than the #11. I'm not sure but I believe they do have CCI #10 caps. I accidentally bought the nipples for my Dad's Lyman. He still has them I think.

I just looked and the Bass Pro web site said they had the CCi #10 caps in stock in Harrisburg. So Maybe I will stop and pick up a tin to see of that gets me though till I get another nipple. I also just did some measuring and this nipple is different from the Knight. It is so loose you can see that it bottoms out inside the cap but wiggles a lot so no way it will stay on. The box and little instructions sheet don't say anything about the cap size. Guess I never paid that much attention when I tested it at home. Just popping a couple caps is not bad in the apartment. I just put the muzzle down on a bag of red shop towels so it is pointed straight down and wrap one around the action.

Glad you got out. I'd get a #11 red hot for it, heck with that oddball #10 stuff.


Order it and you'll have it in a few days :yeah:

I am partial to those Knight Red Hots and that is what will go in it soon. Just thought about getting the caps in the mean time to play with. Nipples are a pain to find here on Long Island for some odd reason Tried calling a couple places today from work, no luck. I thought about it today and just might order a couple and just have them shipped back home. :think: The only problem is that except for early morning fishing I will most likely spend most of my time working around the farm. We have a Log Barn Restore project we are doing, and we are doing it ourselves.

Last night I dug out my little pin gauges and found that a new Knight I did have has a flash hole in it that pins at .035 and the original one for the Marathon was 2 sizes. On the powder side it pins at .033 and up inside about the middle it pins at .029. I think it is a tad small. I seem to remember that one of the AMPCO Brass nipples I tried once in my MK-85 was about the same and I had some hang fires in it. Drilled it out some and those hangs went away.

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