Things That Shouldn't Be !

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Jan 23, 2023
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As my Pa used to say when something just didn't look right. Jesus H Christ, i went to Price Cutter to get grilling chicken thighs. Clerk said they sold out first day of sale. She is what i am going to talk about. This person has Tatts all over her neck & metal through her bottom lip like a pin cushion. Booger catchers about half dz. of them things. Plus things sticking through her eyebrows & you about couldn't see hers ears fer all of the bling in it ! Who in the Hel* wants to look at that checking out of a food store !
I hear ya. I guess what frosts me is when I go out to eat and whoever shows up to take the order or serves it looks as you describe. Or when I'm looking thru the shooting or fishing goodies at a store I haven't ever been to before and some kid comes along and asks "what ya lookin for?", and he's decorated with similar hardware and a mess of tats and can't keep his eyes focused or stand still.

I guess I am old school and feel that someone who wants to get a tat or two should have at least served this country in the military. I have nothing against tats for those who have done so. They've earned the right to express themselves. I've said it before and will do so again..... this country went to crap when they ended the draft, took corporal punishment out of schools along with that pledge of allegiance and prayer.
I hear what folks are saying, and I don’t disagree.


I try hard to base my perception on their ability/willingness to work in the first place, and their ability to perform their tasks well.

I’ve had several times over the years where I was “pleasantly surprised” to have my immediate prejudices put in their place.

My favorite, and most vivid, was when I went to buy a Milwaukee circular saw, at the tool supply. A little cutie came bouncing over, asking if she could help me. I thought to myself, “Not likely!” 🙄

After 30 seconds, I realized that she had likely run a circular saw more than I had. After about a minute, I realized she seemed to know more about circular saws than your average framing carpenter! 🤪

Her only crimes were being young and attractive… but I had assumed that she didn’t know what she was doing. Shame on me!

Like my dad once told me, “If you want to look like an (expletive omitted), that’s your business.” 🤠
I'll agree mostly with what you say Jitterbug, but was the little lady full of tats and hardware? And yes, some of these pieces of work in progress might be employed, but what do they do with what they're earning? More ink, more piercings. It costs money to look like the two in the pictures you show.

I think a store needs to be mindful of how the employees might hinder customers if they look like circus workers when people enter the store. Our Scheels store employs a lot of younger people, many with tats and what not, but those in the hunting and fishing departments are not real young and/or not full of hardware and ink. The fishing area has some younger people working in there, but they are, from my perspective after dealing with them, knowledgeable, don't have green and purple hair, and have clean hides. Or at least the hide showing is clean. There is no such thing as a young person serving in the hunting/guns/shooting department, let along anyone looking like a party favor. The employs in this area are seasoned and very experienced.
We just had a sermon in church about something similar. This world has what is called fluid truth. We live in a "if it feels good - do it" and "I deserve it" world. God's word is truth and never changes. Leviticus 19:28 says,we should not cut or apply ink to our bodies. Some feel that tats are a way to express their freeof speech.
That being said and although tats go against His word we should still love the person and treat them with respect.
I had an episode in Cabela’s many years ago when they still had a good Bargain Cave.

They had a large aluminum multi-rifle safari type gun case (like they used to sell), and it was marked down to $35.

There’s about a 20 minute “ethical dilemma”story, but I ended up bringing the pricing to the attention of the employee. The employee thanked me for doing the right thing and said that I should be rewarded for doing so. He looked at the computer and he couldn’t let me have it for $35 but he gave it to me for something like $42! 😳

I told my cousin the extended version of the story and he told me that I shouldn’t hesitate to “take thebargain,” if a situation like that arises again. His version felt that if Cabela’s was under pricing something that was their own fault for not hiring quality employees. (That’s the vague tie-in to this thread!) Slightly different view, but he has a point…

I’m glad it worked out for me the way it did- I got a great deal on a great gun case, and I have a clean conscience!

I also learned that a monster aluminum rifle case with sharp corners is a pain in the butt. It looks like the Pelican type cases have pretty much taken over the high end market… Cabela’s doesn’t seem to sell the old aluminum ones, any more.

I hardly ever use mine! 🤪
I served 6 years in the Navy, still no tats on this guy, never really even wanted one.
I don’t care if someone else does to a point. Some, I feel bad for them that they are trying so hard to find their identity that they do some stupid things.

If our young would learn their family history I think most would realize who they are, where they come from and know how unique they already are, no need to go crazy with tats and piercings to stand out.
In fact the guy/gal with no tats and piercings is now days the one who stands out in a crowd, just by being “normal”
I am not against a person having a Tatt or more. It's about public showing in bad taste. I have a Bald Eagle Tatt on my left outer Bicep, i was in the Army at 17 in 1967. Patriot is what i was at a young age. That is my only one & i can show it in public & not be embarrassed
Well I am willing to give them a chance. Some of them are really good at what they do. Years ago my best friend owned and ran a call center in the evenings. He hired a lot of really off the wall weird looking people to work the phones, they turned out really good at it. Of course he interviews them and has criteria where they have to have a good phone voice read the scripts good etc. so you never know. But visiting his call center can be really shocking for the unprepared.

I saw an it at the movie theatre recently. A small skinny like it with a scraggly weak beard trying to grow out and mustache. But it had an off key woman’s voice and small a cup bumps on the chest.

I know a guy who owned an auto parts store and repair garage. He was literally covered tight tattoos from the neck down. But he was a genius at mechanical automotive stuff. He personally rebuilt the engine and transmission on my old Cadillac Eldorado years ago. No long or short block he had to rebuild it the old way too. He did a really great job of it too. I really miss my Cadillac though. I had to sell it one day and I regretted it ever since. It was huge and took up two parking spaces at the parking lots. It had a Monster 8.2 liter engine that I jokingly say it doesn’t need a fuel pump it can suck its fuel direct from the fuel tank, yeah something like 15 mpg with that thing. But it sure was a nice riding car though, with tons of leg room. I drove it from Texas to Arizona and back several times too. Gas was cheaper at the time though.

DEI at its best at the local Walmart. All of the associates were black. But in their defense they were doing pretty good though, no complaints.
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We just had a sermon in church about something similar. This world has what is called fluid truth. We live in a "if it feels good - do it" and "I deserve it" world. God's word is truth and never changes. Leviticus 19:28 says,we should not cut or apply ink to our bodies. Some feel that tats are a way to express their freeof speech.
That being said and although tats go against His word we should still love the person and treat them with respect.
I have tried 3 times to post this ... Let's see what happens this time:

Leviticus 19:27 Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard.
We are no longer "under the law" but under grace. Some have said on here they are just trying to find themselves... Se have said when they took corporal punishment AND prayer out of schools it all started.
It STARTS at home ... What are we teaching our children? I don't get all the piercings, gauges and tattoos(I have 3), but I do know Christ met me where I WAS, and loves me too much to leave me there. My prayer (for myself) is I see that person, tatted, gauged and colorful hair as Christ does. Some days I do really well, some days I do not... Flesh vs Spirit. All I'm saying is it is a different generation, one, who if we aren't really careful, won't ever darken a threshold of a church because they once knew a "Christian". And guys, I'm preaching to myself as much as anyone on here.
Please do not forget that what someone does when they are young and stupid(we've all been there), should not follow them for the rest of their lives. I have a friend that was a alcohol abuser and drug user, he is now clean and sober and regrets that time in his life. I personally do not care/like the tat/pierced look at ALL, but that is not all there is to a person. It is extremely hard to get by the cover of a book to read the pages. I guess it is not my generation.
I am around tattooed people enough that I kinda don't see it. Hell I dated a girl who was into tats. One job I had said no visible tats above the neck line , or on your hands. When dressing for work most guys wore long sleeved button up shirts. That wouldn't fly now a days. As for ear and facial piercings. There is a time and a place and the work place isn't one of them. Took my 93 year old Dad out for Father's day Saturday. The waitress had a lip ring, booger ring and her right ear had a half dozen things in it. My dad said she looked like a fish with a hook through her lip.
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I've been thinking about kind of a dual personality tat,,Taylor Swift in a bikini , and kind of retro look but I was thinking about some freckles and buck teeth kind of like Jughead from the cartoon back in the sixties I'll probably do it on my thigh or my cheek might even have her holding a muzzleloader.