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Yes. Loading force.
For the life of me, I couldn't tell you the diameter of my sized bullets. Never checked one. I only go by force to load.
So you're not concerned about an undersized bullet as long as it doesn't exceed your desired loading force? That diameter could be as much as .0004" I would imagine depending on how much difference in bearing surface.
I don't undersize bullets, at least not since the first couple times sizing them. I have a maximum force that I want a bullet to load, which is what I'm currently sizing bullets to and that is 30#.
I have minimum size, which has changed over the past couple years which is now 15#.
Where you're loading by feel using diameter, I'm loading by actual force to load, using a force gauge.

Just an FYI on loading a bullet in a clean bore at 30#........... After the first round, loading a fouled barrel is HARD and takes two hands and a STRONG range rod.
Thanks Encore. Now I see what you're trying to accomplish what you guys are saying.
Tell me if I got this. Your desired loading force is X. So one bullet like a 250 gr may have to be sized to .4519" but another 400 gr may need to be sized to .4515" to equal the same loading force.?
This is confusing to me because, for example, all bullets,from 110 gr to 220 gr in 30 cal are all .308". My metalic cartridge loading experience make me think that's the same for SMLs.
This is confusing to me because, for example, all bullets,from 110 gr to 220 gr in 30 cal are all .308". My metalic cartridge loading experience make me think that's the same for SMLs.

You're stuck on measurement, not loading force needed.

Encore and El Diablo are not concerned with sized diameter, they're focused on loading force and have learned to forget about the diameter. Diameter is moot to them. Loading force [period] is their world. Curiosity may see them miking a bullet that is sized to work for them but they are not sizing to a measured diameter, they sizing to a degree that gives them the loading force they desire.
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Last night I sized 2 different bullets, both Hornady's. The first was the 250 gr FTX. to achieve my loading pressure the die was on the 10 setting. That bullet measured .4513". The second bullet was a 300 gr Shockwave. That required a little more sizing with the die setting at 13. Diameter of that one is .4509"
The measurements were just for my own information. Like Encore and Diablo I was only going by load pressure. I wanted to be able to seat the bullet with one hand on a clean barrel without too much difficulty. Going to be going out on Thursday to try them out.
Last night I sized some of the 245gr Interlocks and some 250gr SSTs for the Scout. It'll be a month or more before I can shoot them but I did have to crank on the die a bit more for the SSTst o achieve the "same" one hand load. No numbers on my die so no setting to provide. For grins, the caliper read .451 for the Interlock and the same for the SST. I suspect I'll need to run them through the die again before using.