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Jan 29, 2020
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My wife was recently in Connecticut, visiting her family for 6 weeks. I had to stay behind to care for the 19 dogs we have left here at the rescue, which was a bit of work but I have developed a good time saving routine.
No sooner did she get back, my niece in Kentucky asked me to drive one of their cars to Florida. She and her husband are retired and bought a house down there in Coco Beach. It was a great trip for me and a nice break from the dogs.
Somewhere along the line, most likely here at the house, I got a tick bite on my butt, (of all places).
The bite got infected despite my home doctoring.
I went to the doctor's office last week and tested positive for Lyme Disease.
On meds now and trying to take it easy for a while.
Been wanting to burn some Holy black but it's been hot and humid around here anyway. Gonna have to wait a little while.
Damn, Jim. You just can't get a break! Tick bite on the butt, not going to even guess how that got there!! Naked playing with the dogs????

Seriously though I am sorry it developed and you have Lyme disease. Hopefully, the antibiotics will stop it from progressing and you'll make a full recovery. Glad to hear you are otherwise doing well.

We thought about and then planned on moving to Cape Coral or Ocala Florida area after retirement but decided to stay here in VA after the insurance rates (car and house) went crazy down there. House prices too went astronomical. Maybe in a few years it will settle down. The small house I have in Deltona where my mom lives, doubled in insurance costs the last 2yrs and I'm looking at another 14% min up to 34% this year.
Damn, Jim. You just can't get a break! Tick bite on the butt, not going to even guess how that got there!! Naked playing with the dogs????

Seriously though I am sorry it developed and you have Lyme disease. Hopefully, the antibiotics will stop it from progressing and you'll make a full recovery. Glad to hear you are otherwise doing well.

We thought about and then planned on moving to Cape Coral or Ocala Florida area after retirement but decided to stay here in VA after the insurance rates (car and house) went crazy down there. House prices too went astronomical. Maybe in a few years it will settle down. The small house I have in Deltona where my mom lives, doubled in insurance costs the last 2yrs and I'm looking at another 14% min up to 34% this year.
Thanks John. Beautiful area where they are but too busy for this ole country boy.
I think they paid about a half million for the house.
Yeah I can believe that Jim!! Prices are still crazy there. My little 3 bedroom 1.5 bath there I paid 38K for in 1998 is now like 250K. Insane.
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Keep on top of that Lyme disease. I've seen what it does to a person. Several friends and a family member. Have a Dr up here treating cases with some new juice they came up with for it. Wife's cousin came up for treatment from Texas when his Dr wouldn't take it serious and it got way out of hand. It was a long road for him because of it but he's back to 100%. Treat it serious and stay on top of it. Best wishes to you buddy.
Please watch that Lyme diagnosis. I went through a terrible time with it in 2008. Have some residual effects after being on antibiotics for 6 months. I still get checked for issues related to it. All the best to you.

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